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Updated DRRA Position on Paseo Marina Project

August 24, 2023



Re: Paseo Marina Development

Case #ENV-2016-3343-EIR

State Clearinghouse #2017061017-EIR

Paseo Marina, 13400-13450 Maxella Ave,

and 4305-4363 Glencoe Ave,

Los Angeles, CA 90292

The Del Rey Residents Association (DRRA) is a 501c(4) organization that has been

advocating for the residents of Del Rey for more than 50 years. The residents of Del Rey

have a continuing and vested interest in major development in Del Rey, including the

proposed Paseo Marina project at one of the few large shopping venues in Del Rey. The

DRRA has been communicating with the City for over six years about proposed

development on this site.

We maintain the positions taken in our January 2021 letter (attached). They include:

No to spot-zoning for this property, no to a General Plan Amendment, and no to Option


Yes to a Project that prioritizes and maintains the neighborhood COMMERCIAL center

characteristics of the property.

We expect our concerns for this proposed project to be addressed, including:

A - The process should not allow previously submitted comment letters to remain

unaddressed by excluding them from the ‘recirculated’ version of the DEIR. Each

comment in all prior comment letters must be addressed as part of the

current/recirculating DEIR process. In addition to this letter, we re-submit letters the

DRRA previously submitted (see attached), and we include a copy of the Del Rey

Neighborhood Council’s (DRNC) April 18th 2019 letter. These letters were written whenDocuSign Envelope ID: C58F272B-B9D2-41B5-BE13-5F10DC146348


information was available about Option A (i.e. 2019), and when information was

available about what eventually became Option B (i.e. 2021).

B - The public has been informed that the Developer prefers Option B, in part as it

considers it a superior alternative, and in part as they say Option B is a result of the

negative public feedback they received after the original DEIR (aka Option A) was

issued. Option A should not be included as an acceptable alternative.

C - Option B as presented is also not acceptable. In particular the current traffic flow is

horrendous, and the potential mitigation efforts are not even close to being enough to

offset the increased traffic that will flood the surrounding streets as a result of this

proposed project.

D - As the current zoning does not allow residential use at all, and a significant amount

of Commercial use vital to the Del Rey community currently occupies this property, any

future rezoning or development on this property must be required to replace 100% of the

commercial floor area with similarly programmed uses located on the ground or second


E - Any rezoning in this area MUST limit future residential development. This site and

others (including but not limited to the rest of the Marina Marketplace, the Hotel MdR

and Stella) are currently zoned industrial, but are being considered for rezoning.

Allowing majority residential by default in any new zoning will result in the same

concerns as this proposed project, and imperil the vital remaining commercial portion of

the area.

F - The Planning Department is currently reviewing how to implement the Housing

Element that was adopted in 2021, and that zoning map may be completed before the

update of our 1997 Community Plan, which has been underway for more than a decade.

There should be no decision on the future use of this property until the City Council has

decided how to proceed on the Housing Element zoning and the Community Plan update.

Our Board of Directors reviewed and approved this letter at our August 7, 2023 meeting.

Thank you for your attention to this matter,

Elizabeth Campos Layne



Park Del Rey Deputy Ashley Lozano

Park Planning Deputy Jeff Khau

DRRA Board

DRNC Board (


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