Dear Members:
The position of Director is an important role in our Del Rey Residents Association (D.R.R.A.) Not only do they attend and participate in all Board Meetings and General Meetings, they also serve on Association Committees assigned by the President.
This year at our General Membership Meeting in March we have the opportunity of electing five (5) Directors for a two (2) year period from April 1st until March 31 of the second year. Are you interested in playing a more active role and helping the D.R.R.A. provide a voice for the residents of our Del Rey Community? Directors are our representatives and bring motions before the Board on matters that are important to our neighborhood. We encourage you to take this opportunity!
Any current Member of the Association is qualified to be a Director of the Association. If you are interested in being nominated for a Director position or would like additional information, please contact me (Eddie Kurtz, Election Committee Chair, eMail: ) or our President. (Elizabeth Layne, eMail:
All current Members may vote for each of the five (5) Directors positions during the election. We look forward to your participation.
Wishing you and your family a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.
Best Regards,
D. "Eddie" Kurtz
First Vice President, DRRA
Election Committee Chair
Los Angeles (Del Rey), CA 90066